Writer • Designer • Advocate

Tag blog

Talented but Humble, a Contradiction

Talent. Throughout my life, I’ve had the chance to meet dozens of naturally talented individuals in certain fields, and out of the over 20 of them, I can only confidently say 2 of them are truly humble individuals. Because humility… Continue Reading →

How to Write a Blog

Over the past 4 years, I’ve sporadically focused on writing more researched articles on my blog. From pairing images and planning layouts, to counting words and fuming about sources. In psychology, the Dunning-Kruger Effect is a cognitive bias where the… Continue Reading →

I Keep Writing

There’s now a glossy flat patch over the right side of my space key. It’s where I hit the bar whenever I type a space while I’m writing. The left side – the gaming side – still have some of… Continue Reading →

Outline for 2016!

Hello everybody! There are only two logical reasons why you would be reading this page of my website. Bribery, or blackmail. But if by some stroke of luck (or just a stroke), you find my writing – either my fiction or blog… Continue Reading →

Blog: I am a Millennial

You can’t curb climate change. You can’t close the wealth gap. Your votes won’t affect anything. Your words don’t matter. Nothing will ever change. That’s what millennials like myself are taught throughout our lifetime. That it’s every person for themselves. I’m calling bullshit… Continue Reading →

Blog: You Just Died of Dysentery

Something happened in Oregon, USA. And for anyone who has ever written a comedy article, it is the poor people equivalent of Donald Trump. For people who do not know what I’m talking about, a group of armed militia had… Continue Reading →

Mental Health: The Physical Depression

I want to describe the feeling of depression to you, while it’s still raw within me. I’m not talking about emotions, but the actual, physical hurt you go through. I’m describing the feeling, right now, as I type, as it… Continue Reading →

Blog: Screaming at a Wall

– Featured image by Moyann Brenn – I was working on a blog post about the freelance art market. Then, Paris happened. Even though I was still a kid during some of the events, I could remember where and how I felt… Continue Reading →

Blog: Across the Arts – The Future of Writing

I feel that sometimes, as a writer, more is expected of us for a lot less of the same work. That society in general seems to have the perception that of all the art forms, writing is the simplest. In… Continue Reading →

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