Writer • Designer • Advocate

Category Politics

Just Work Hard

This short story is in response to people I know who insists that everyone, and they do mean everyone, can succeed in life if they simply choose to work hard, with hope, endurance, and a little moxy.  Person: Hi, I’m… Continue Reading →

SG Government PSA Cherry Picks Data, Causing Fear

You know what? Fuck this video. Singapore’s government is now straight up treating us like idiots! I was going to ignore this, but it keeps popping up on my YouTube’s advertisement. So I’m calling it out. Singapore’s Central Narcotics Bureau… Continue Reading →

Mental Health is Fake News Now

In the world of political opinions today, everyone’s thoughts are seen as equally valid on the stage of shouting and screaming. But in the mish-mash of ideas, certain groups have stepped forward to represent issues not experienced by themselves nor… Continue Reading →

A Letter for Peace

70 million people. That’s the number of people who died in WWII. About 25 million of them were soldiers. Whichever side they were on, either soldier or civilian, Allied or Axis, those men and women were the bravest of us all…. Continue Reading →

The 9/11 Generation

There is a generation of adults now that lived more than half their lives not knowing of a time when terrorism did not exist. But more importantly, there is a generation of adults now that don’t remember a time when terrorism… Continue Reading →

The Value of Life?

Life’s a balancing act. Friends, family, finance, all important things that you need. You’ll find almost everyone agree, that these things are needed in day-to-day for social comfort. The 3 Fs. That is, until, a bomb goes off in your face,… Continue Reading →

Blog: I am a Millennial

You can’t curb climate change. You can’t close the wealth gap. Your votes won’t affect anything. Your words don’t matter. Nothing will ever change. That’s what millennials like myself are taught throughout our lifetime. That it’s every person for themselves. I’m calling bullshit… Continue Reading →

Blog: Zadroga

I understand that each country has its pros and cons. Singapore is economically stable and physically safe, but clamps down on free speech and the art scene. America is one of the freest country in the world, but have more… Continue Reading →

The World is Dying – Stop Being Idiots

About two years back, someone on my feed posted a link to an anti-vaccination article on Facebook. The source of the article was uncredited, and the writer was not a medical professional. The moment I saw that link, I immediately… Continue Reading →

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