Writer • Designer • Advocate

Author Aden Ng

Movie Review: Interstellar

WARNING: CONTAINS MINOR SPOILER I’m trying to let myself calm down a little before doing this, but it’s proving next to impossible. For a person interested in the sciences of the world that I’ve watched every episode of COSMOS: A Spacetime… Continue Reading →

Writing: The Quitting Aftermath

I’m probably right when I say I’m one of the last few authors on JukePop that had a story started as a JukePop Draft and is now nearing completion as a JP regular. Now, for most of you who don’t… Continue Reading →

Official Request: I Am Crazy, Film Project

Hi everyone, I’m currently working on a short film based on my earlier poem to help raise awareness for mental health. However, to do it, I would need other real life experience from people willing to share them. This is… Continue Reading →

I Don’t Know the Title

I don’t know a lot of things. Like right now, I don’t know what to do. Or where to go. I’m sure many people had been on this road before, where they had to decide their paths in life. What… Continue Reading →

Suicide, Selfish, Beliefs

Selfishness is a topic that comes up often when people talk about suicide. It’s much talked about that if you Google the subject, you’d find a plethora of articles about it, pro or otherwise. Especially ever since Robin William’s death… Continue Reading →

What to Do with Life

I’ve hit that point in life where I need to decide where to go. I thought I had it figured out. Two years ago, before entering conscription, I was dead set on going university and studying English Literature or upping… Continue Reading →

Robin Williams, Member of the Human Race

I tributed a poem to Robin Williams a few weeks back. And I still can’t get the man out of my mind. I mean, this makes no sense to me. When Steve Irwin and Michael Jackson died, I glanced the… Continue Reading →

Thoughts On: 139 Serials (Part 2)

Like a lot of writers, I like to listen to music when I do my craft. I even have a personal YouTube playlist full of songs I can get inspired by just so that I can listen on the go,… Continue Reading →

A Bipolar Night

Another night of insomnia. Another night spent with the endless shrieking thoughts in my head. There are a few things people with bipolar disorder rarely talk about. Actually, not just a few, but a bucket full in fact. One of… Continue Reading →

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