In light of recent events, I think it’s time for me to teach everyone (and by everyone I mean the 2 people who read my blog) how extremism starts to form in a society. A short “how to” become an extremist, if you will.
Step 1: Blame the Victim
So you’ve done an oopsie. Maybe you insulted someone, or hurt a group of people. Something like demonized a group of people, or used a cardboard caricature cut-out to misrepresent a minority. Don’t worry. It’s not (entirely) your fault.
Instead, tell the victim it’s their fault too. Call them easily offended, or a “snowflake”. Why can’t they just let it go? It’s not that bad. Why are they making things public? Make Mexico pay for their refugees. Whatever. Are they just an opportunist eager to score points in their desire to gain mileage?
Whatever it is, don’t fix what you did. That would only make things better for society. You want to make things better for you.
Step 2: Create an “In-Group”
Now people are starting to confront you for your deeds. Man, there sure are a lot of people who disagree with you. You’ll need allies. Find something interest groups can latch on to. Preferably something controversial.
Cancel culture is a pretty good example. Let’s find people who think cancel culture is bad, and then pander to them. Blast your opinions at them. Make them feel like you are on your side.
Oh look, now you have a mob.
Step 3: Label the “Out-Group”
You have your army of supporters now. You just need an enemy to fight? Who should they be? Democrats? Socialists? Feminists? Minorities? Refugees?

Oh, look at these victims of racism snowflakes lying here. Let’s just take that. There. There’s your bad guys. These “snowflakes” are getting offended at “racism”. Pfft.
Now we have an enemy to fight.
Step 4: Bury the Story
What? There might be evidence that I’m actually racist? Well, even if there is a needle, you can’t find it if it’s in a haystack! So make lots of hay. Cover the entire conversation with hay!
The person we’re attacking is a well known humanitarian and social issue commentator? Can you find it for me after I’ve flooded social media with false content? No? Then you must be lying.
Step 5: Claim Victimhood

Oh. My. Sobek! I’m not racist! You’re racist! All I did was make a tiny (nationally viewed) mistake, and you’re dragging my name through the mud. That’s defamation!
Isn’t that just an overreaction? Why are you attacking me? I already said sorry (#NotSorry). What more do you want? To sit down and talk? Why would I meet you after all this? Because it’s my job? Pfft. I don’t know what you’re talking about.
You just want attention by putting your boots on my poor, hard-working, taxpayer funded multi-millionaire shoulders.
Step 6: Sink the Cost
Hello, dear readers. By now you would have liked my Facebook page, or followed my Twitter account. You might have even given me money. You’ve publicly defended my actions, feeling just, and taken your stand on my side.
You can’t change your mind now. Proof? What’s that? You can’t feel proof. All you can feel is the flames of righteous fury burning in your mind. They have evidence? Who needs evidence?!
I mean, if there’s evidence, it means you are wrong. And you wouldn’t want to be wrong. No sir! You are a loyal, upstanding member of society. Part of the community. My community. You support me now.
From now on, you have to agree with what I said. Otherwise, it means I might be wrong. And if I’m wrong about this, what else could I be wrong about? Have I been wrong before? Like that first incident that got you to read this.
Maybe it’s racism. Maybe it’s fascism. It could be bad politics. Or eugenics? Anti-vaccine? Flat Earth? Racial supremacy? Anti-LGBT?
No. Don’t think about it now. Because I’m right. As long as I’m right, so are you. And you have a community of people who agree with me right now. And they all agree with you, agreeing with me. How can all of you be wrong – about me?
How can you, be wrong?
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