Something happened this month. Actually, that’s an understatement. A lot of things had happened within the past few weeks (about this much |__(o_o)__| ) but I had not had the chance to do a proper blog post in reaction to everything. Mostly because stuff had been happening in life that I had to deal with, all while working on keeping up with my serials. But I’m back to let you know how much ecstasy is coursing through my veins right now due to this last month. One of the main thing that happened was this.
Basically, what happened was that for a very, very brief period, 139: In Evening was above Hobson and Choi in the JP30 rankings. But of course, that didn’t last past five hours, because the next day, Hobson and Choi was back where it belong. In the top 10. Still, more importantly (to me at least), In Evening was in the running for JP30. And I can’t, I repeat, absolutely can’t believe I’m going to say this. It is still totally in the charts! It is number 35 right now, and I don’t want to jinx things, but just being in the list with all these great stories is a tremendous honour for me. If I can make it to the end of the month on the top 50, I am going to be damn happy.
I cannot express how much thanks I have for so many people. For one, the reason for the sudden spike in readers was due to my previous blog post, which got linked back by JukePop’s own blog. It garnered my highest view on my blog in ever. JP also linked in straight to 139: In Evening. For this I can only thank Jerry Fan for the impact from there. But also, my readers, for actually taking time out to read a mediocre piece of work like mine.
Another exciting thing that happened is JukePop implementing an ‘Investing’ system. Basically, it works somewhat like Kickstarter, where readers and others can invest in a book for publication and in return, receive a portion of revenues back. Our good friend, Kevin A.M Lewis has Metal Shadow Prelude up there, which is also another cool thing that’s happening. But what this means is that for authors, JukePop has created a really, really grand platform for us to publish independently. I feel that this will change the way publication of novels will work and create a new age of story telling. One where manuscripts are not scanned through by individual editors and teams, but the entire world through the internet, rated, and then decided for publication. And I am bloody stoked about it!
Yet! YET! That’s still not all there is!
What you’re looking at right now are two 3D concept arts of mine (yes, mine) for the upcoming serial, and here’s the big reveal, The Chronicles of Tearha: The Number 139. Yes, the final serial in the 139 Trilogy is going to kick off a new series of serialization. The Chronicles of Tearha will take place in this dimension, far away from the home planet of the 139 stories. And this is something I am so, so excited to share with everyone. It is a world, 6 years in the making. It has lores and races and countries and tales. I’ve revealed a few backstories in the description of the respective images’ deviantArt page which you can view by clicking the images. And I currently have three stories planned for this chronicle.
The Number 139 will introduce us to the world of Tearha, The Forum state of North Altar, the convergence of the multiverse, Titan, epitaphs, and, the secret of the number, 139. It will also have small little details that leads into the next serial, which I feel like calling The Titan War, which, as the name states, is a war of Titans, taking place in Katoki. After which, the last story planned, currently titled The Raiders Rebellion, will sweep through the continent of Ciara.
So all in all, there’s a lot of plans for the future, and there’s a lot of platforms to launch from. And for you, my dear readers, there’s a lot to look forward to next year when 139: In Evening, and 139 Years to the End of the World eventually comes to their end. Aside from the Chronicles, I’m even thinking of putting out another series, The 7 Sagas, which is another tie-in to the 139 Trilogy and Chronicles of Tearha. It is a tale that I’ve spent the pass 8 years crafting and it is as important to the lore of 139 and Tearha as they are to it. I’m now just thinking whether or not to put it into serialization or manuscript for a shot at traditional publishing (and slightly afraid that starting university would screw with this plan).
Basically, what I’m trying to say right now is this.
The future of being a writer is bright.
Welcome to the new world of storytelling. And the storytelling of a new world.
November 22, 2014 at 03:23
Man, I can feel your excitement. This really was a damn good month.
But next month will be better–I can feel that too!