I’m trying to let myself calm down a little before doing this, but it’s proving next to impossible. For a person interested in the sciences of the world that I’ve watched every episode of COSMOS: A Spacetime Odyssey twice, and have scoured the entire internet for videos of Neil deGrasse Tyson, Lawrence Krauss, Bill Nye, and the occasional Richard Dawkins when he can talk about evolutionary biology instead of religion, Interstellar is an orgasm for the brain. As a writer, I love to pick out deus ex machinas as and when they occur. And I am happy to say that Interstellar has its fair shares, but it’s good enough that I simply don’t give a damn.

Because of SCIENCE!

Because of SCIENCE!

Let’s start with the biggest downsides for the film though, because, you know, fairness. For one, Matthew McConaughey’s accent is next to incomprehensible. I had an inanely tough time trying to catch anything he says, only doing so just barely. I’m watching the movie from Melbourne, Australia, so there are no subtitles as I’m accustomed to in Singapore. We’re not that good with accents admittedly. Another point to note was the intensity of exposition needed, and the level of knowledge required to keep up with those expositions. You need a basic understanding of multiple dimensions, time travel, space travel via gravitational slingshots, to be able to keep up with the physics.

But as Neil deGrasse Tyson said in a Tweet, “In , if you didn’t understand the plot, there is no published book to help you.” And that is entirely true. Because the plot is straight forward and gets elbow deep into the soul of humanity. The fear, the prejudice, the love and hate and pride. Everything is in there. A father and daughter separated by space and time? Done. A brother-sister conflict over messed up family? Done. Mentor lying to student? Tragic villain? Human trapped in solitude? Done. Done. Done. The movie is a story about humanity. It is, in it’s very essence, a story about life, and a darn good one at that.

Finally though, let’s get down to the hot topic of the movie. The science. Because I will swear right now, I fucking love the science. I said earlier that the science in the move made me jizz. And there are two very specific moments at the start of the movie that told me it was going to be a very accurate portrayal. The very first shot of outer space is accompanied by dead silence, as you would expect in a vacuum. And the director lingered on that a few seconds too long, as if to show just how accurate that is. And the second was when the main spacecraft started rotating. Even though my attention lapse due to someone coughing near me, I am very happy to say I understood they did that for artificial gravity even without hearing them say it. Seriously. I am shallow as hell and this thing is giving me an ego boost.

However, if you go around the internet, you will find plenty of comments pointing out the loopholes from the movie. And I just want to say this. It required my full concentration to follow the hole plot and science of Interstellar at the same time, and I am still sure I’ve missed some things. But I do find the movie pretty complete. We must remember though, that this is science fiction. And despite being based on plenty of scientific fact and extensively sound theory, there are elements of fiction and it is still subjected to the same narratives as every other piece of fiction out there. Interstellar has been strangely held to a higher comparison. But nitpicking doesn’t make the movie bad. It just makes you observant. It is still a movie. So go see it for yourself before judging.

Now, this show might not be the right entertainment for devoutly religious folks, especially Christians. My elder sister saw it and as far as I know, she fell asleep. If you love the science like I do though, you will enjoy it immensely. If you can sit back and enjoy the story, you will like it too. But if you are an asshole who wants to nitpick to prove yourself better, than you are going to have a terribly boring life.