As Arc One for 139: In Evening comes to a close, leading up to the death of a major character, I find myself wholly satisfied with my experience so far writing at JukePopSerials. Sure, I complain about it sometimes, and I can be kind of sad with the result of my work, I still like it. The writing community there is strong and diverse, with people spread throughout the Twitterverse and websites.

I’m an introvert by nature so I don’t interact with people often, even online. But the writing community has been so nice and friendly and supportive, it’s hard not to want to take part every now and then. It’s been a really draining week because it. So much has happened and I’ve got a boost in readers for In Evening, an unexpected, but happy result.

I’ve also managed to get the cover art for 139 Years done and have submitted it to JP for review. Should have a result in a few weeks. I’ll update my Facebook and Twitter on that. To tide everyone over, here’s the cover art.

139 Years Cover

Sometimes, writing is tiring and it can be a very unrewarding task. Sometimes it’s tough. Sometimes it’s unfair. But the times when it’s good is just magical.

I guess in the end it still comes down to the simplest question we were all asked when we started this writing journey.

“Do you love writing?”

Yes, I really do.

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